Page 13 - Craft Bearing Catalog
P. 13

Nomenclature Breakdown                      Lubrication
                                                                                                         Bearing Company Inc.

                        hE  mAIN  PuRPoSE  of  lubricating  a          n Grease
                        bearing  is  to  coat  the  rolling  contact/
                Tload  bearing  surfaces  with  a  lubricant,              Type of Grease – Grease “stays put”, is easy
                minimizing  direct  metal-to-metal  contact. This      to handle, easy to meter using simple methods,
                accomplishes the following:                            and is helpful in further sealing a bearing from
                                                                       contaminants and moisture. A widely available,
                •  Reduces heat, friction and abrasion, prolonging     broadly used grease type is NLGI type 2, lithium
                  useful life,                                         complex  based  grease  with  extreme  pressure

                •  Transports heat away from the load zone (oil),      additives  (EP2).  This  grease  type  is  available
                                                                       with various viscosity oils—hydrocarbon as well
                •  Slows or prevents corrosion, and
                                                                       as  synthetic.  Synthetic  greases  perform  well
                •  Helps reduce the ingress of foreign matter into     outside the range of standard hydrocarbon based
                  the bearing (grease).                                greases,  in  both  low  and  high  temperatures.

                    Proper  lubrication  during  assembly  is          They  also  have  the  ability  to  retain  their
                critical. Please refer to the assembly instructions    lubricating  properties  for  a  longer  amount  of
                for lubrication requirements when assembling           time  over  standard  hydrocarbon  greases.  Re-
                bearings. Proper lubrication during operation is       lubrication  intervals  can  be  extended.  When
                also critical. The type and quantity of lubrication    harsh conditions are present or a high degree of
                depends on the application—the load, RPM, and          reliability is demanded, Craft often recommends
                temperature all affect the needed lubrication. The     synthetics. For most applications, it is standard
                majority (about 90%) of rolling element bearings       to  use  lithium  complex,  EP2  type  grease  with
                are grease lubricated. Oil is generally utilized in    ISO VG  220.  A  consultation  with  one  of  many
                high speed and high temperature applications.          reputable grease suppliers should yield the right
                                                                       grease for the job. DO NOT MIX GREASES! The
                n Oil                                                  variations in additives between brands and types
                                                                       may cause problems.
                    When  necessary  (above  8,000  dn),  oil  can
                be  pumped,  drained,  filtered,  cooled  and  re-         Quantity  of  Grease  –  More  bearings  fail
                circulated.  This  is  very  effective  in  removing   prematurely from over greasing than from grease
                heat  buildup,  prolonging  both  bearing  and         starvation.  How  much  grease  is  required  in  a
                lubricant  life.  Various  types  of  oil  lubrication   bearing depends mainly on speed. The amount
                delivery  methods  are  available,  such  as  static,   of grease to satisfy the needs of particular sizes
                constant level oilers, re-circulating, and oil mist    and  series  of  Craft  bearings  is  based  on  the
                delivery systems. Various additives are available      dn  value,  the  product  of  which  is  expressed
                to  improve  resistance  to  thinning,  oxidation      as a percentage of a full pack of grease. A full
                resistance,   corrosion     resistance,   foaming      pack chart for various sizes follows this section.
                resistance,  extreme  pressure  properties,  etc.      As used herein, dn = d (shaft diameter in inches)
                Consult  with  a  reputable  supplier  of  oil  and    x  n  (shaft  speed  in  revolutions  per  minute);
                grease  products  to  better  choose  the  right       for example:
                lubricating oil for a particular application.

                         A 3 /16” bearing rotating 1400 rpm has a dn = 4,813 (3.4375 x 1400)             [50% pack]
                        A 4 /16” bearing rotating 1400 rpm has a dn = 6,913 (4.9375 x 1400)              [33% pack]
                      A 65 mm bearing rotating 1400 rpm has a dn = 3,500 ([65 / 25.4] x 1400)            [75% pack]
                     A 100 mm bearing rotating 1400 rpm has a dn = 5,600 ([100 / 25.4] x 1400)           [50% pack]

 Craft Bearing Company, Inc.  n  Newport News, Virginia  n  Craft Bearing Company, Inc.  n  Newport News, Virginia  n  11

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